Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thesis, Conclusion, Repeat

Introduction 1
Every day, high school athletes fall victim to injuries, some which are a quick recovery, some which change lives forever, a few that end lives, and most which were preventable. Hi, my name is Nichole Schmidt, and with my million dollar idea, I plan on employing athletic trainers across the state of Wisconsin to teach injury prevention and proper training techniques to high school athletes. As you all know, personnel in the medical field earn a high salary, so I would need more than a million dollars to get an athletic trainer at every school for multiple years. This is a topic that is very important to me, so the ideas that I have were very carefully thought through.

Conclusion 1
Every day, athletes suffer from injuries of all sorts, but in most cases, those injuries were preventable. With my million dollars, the athletic trainers hired will be responsible to teach preventative methods. With just a million, 29 trainers would be hired to do the various jobs of teaching warm-ups, cool-downs, proper weight lifting techniques, and taking care of the injuries that do occur. With more time and money, I would increase the number of trainers across the state, improve the playing conditions, and get up to date equipment for all the high schools. My million dollars is only a small part to a very large goal I have, but even with 29 trainers, injuries would be prevented, and no price tag can be put on that. 

Introduction 2
Everyone knows at least one person who has suffered and injury in high school due to sports. What people don't know is that most of those injuries were preventable. There are about 2 million high school athletes who will suffer from an injury each year. With proper training techniques and an athletic trainer to ensure the safety of athletes, many of the 2 million injures can be prevented. With my million dollars, I plan on employing athletic trainers in the state of Wisconsin to take care of the athletes. My million dollars is not enough to put a trainer at every high school, but the effects the few trainers will have will be immense. 

Conclusion 2
There are multiple kids getting hurt every day that could have had their injuries prevented. Children are visiting doctors, admitted into hospitals, and a few even die; those injuries didn't have to happen. My million dollars is going to be put towards helping those children prevent and treat injuries due to sports. My plan is to hire athletic trainers across the state of Wisconsin, my home state, to work in high schools with the athletes. Trainers would initiate proper training techniques, create good warm-up and cool-down workouts, and care for injuries properly. My million dollars would not be enough to get an athletic trainer at every high school, but a million dollars would be a great start to helping the athletes in need.

Introduction 3
Ankle sprains, concussions, torn ligaments, shin splints: these are all common injuries high school athletes suffer from on a daily basis. They are so common that millions of athletes suffer every year, about 2 million to be exact. Injuries such as these don't have to be so common. With athletic trainers available to the athletes, injuries could be prevent and treated properly. A million dollars would be enough to employ a trainer at 29 high schools in Wisconsin, who would then teach good techniques of all sorts. More than a million dollars would be of a lot more benefit. With that money, I would employ more trainers, work to improve field and gym conditions, and be sure that all schools had new and proper fitting equipment. I have a lot of goal and ideas to help high school athletes with my million dollars, each of which would prevent unnecessary injuries. 

Conclusion 3
As you can see, injuries such as sprains, torn ligaments, and concussions are easily preventable with better training. Better training and better playing conditions will be accomplished with my million dollar idea. All across Wisconsin, athletic trains will be working with athletes to teach them safer ways to train. The trainers will become a part of the high school, and hopefully be able to work with all of the students, not just the athletes. What the trainers teach the students will not only benefit them for their current sport, but also in the rest of their extra curricular activities, for the rest of their lives. My million dollar idea will not only effect the current generation of athletes, but will have an effect on many others as well.

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