Thursday, December 15, 2011

Million Dollar Speech: Background Information

Nichole Schmidt
December 7th, 2011
Human Communications, Rob Larson

About My Presentation

            My speech I will be making today is about youth athletic injuries and preventing them. With my million dollars, I plan to hire athletic trainers throughout Wisconsin, my home state, and have them teach proper and safe training to the athletes. In order to hire an athletic trainer for every high school in the state, I would need more than a million dollars; it would be closer to 18 million. Although my million seems to make just a small dent in this amount, it will be helping a large number of people.
            The topic of athletic injury is very important to me; I chose this topic not only because it has already had an effect on my life, but because I plan to continue on into this sort of field. As for my past, I have already experienced two devastating injuries due to sport, but which have required surgery. Injuries are very hard on children, not only the physical aspect, but mentally as well. As a high school athlete, I had dreams of playing at the collegiate level, but those dreams have been shattered, twice. My high school did not have an athletic trainer available, and I strongly believe that mine, as well as many of the other injuries I witnessed, could have been prevented. It is with this, my past, that I have chosen my path towards the future.
            I have come here to Saint Scholastica to pursue a degree in exercise physiology and then go on to become a physical therapist, athlete specialist. When I was in therapy I had an amazing and inspirational therapist; she pushed me every day to get better, and I became stronger than ever before! I want to become that kind of person; I want to be the motivation for other people and push them to do their best. One of the other goals I have for myself as a physical therapist is to volunteer at a local school, as my therapist did at my school. Since my school did not have an athletic trainer, the therapist would come over to our practices after her 8 hour work day and work with us for a few hours; she did this without recognition or pay, and she did it because we needed her. She is the reason and inspiration for my million dollar idea.
            As I said, my million dollars would just be the beginning of getting trainers at all schools, but with unlimited funds, I would choose to do so much more. Of course, I would start by getting a trainer at all 514 public high schools in Wisconsin. Then, I would work towards improving field conditions and getting up to date sporting equipment and weight machines for the schools. I feel very passionate about all of this, and rightfully so because of my close connection. I plan to use my degree and experience to do what I can for high school students after I graduate weather I have a million dollars to spend or not.


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