Thursday, December 15, 2011

Million Dollar Speech: Supplement for Audience

Title Page
Youth Injuries:
Preventable With Just A Million

By: Nikki Schmidt

Inside Pages (Left to right)
Page 1

My Inspiration

When I was in therapy, I had an amazing and inspirational therapist; she pushed me every day to get better, and I became stronger than ever before. Since my school did not have an athletic trainer, Stephanie would come over to our practices after her 8 hour work day and work with us for a few hours; she did this without recognition or pay, and she did it because we needed her. She is the reason and inspiration for my million dollar idea

Page 2
About The Injuries - When do they occur and what are their effects?

Days lost due to injury 

Page 3
With A Million More 

Improve field conditions 

 Purchase adequate training equipment

 Join the Club

The National Center for Sports Safety (NCSS) was founded to promote the importance of injury prevention and safety on all levels of youth sports through education and research. The NCSS focuses on decreasing the number and/or severity of injuries through developing and teaching sports safety courses and collecting, analyzing and researching injury data.

Outside Flap
What A Million Will Do

Hire Athletic Trainers
    -Trainer’s Salary = $35,000
    -1 Trainer per 19 high schools

    -Teach good warm-up routines
    -Teach proper lifting skills
    -Teach good cool-down routines
    -Care for injuries correctly
    -Be present at games

Back Pannel
To learn more about high school injuries and prevention, check out these websites:

By: Nichole Schmidt

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