Monday, November 14, 2011

Ted Videos

Tonight I watched two Ted videos. The first was by a Ric Elias. He spoke about his experience of being on the plane that had to land in the Hudson River and what he took away from that experience. The second video was by Ken Robinson. Ken talked about how school kills creativity, I think. That's what his video was titled, but he was such a random, unorganized speaker that I took away nothing from the speech.
Ric Elias spoke about the 3 things he learned from his experience. He seems to have turned into a very positive and a "live-live-by-the-moment" type of person. His video was inspirational and interesting. Ric encouraged people in the audience to imagine if they had been in his situation and learn to live life to the fullest; stop putting off things you mean to do.
I am a huge fan of inspirational stories! I think it is great how this tragic experience has changed Ric's life for the better and has made him so full of life.

Check our Ric's video"3 Things I learned While My Plane Crashed" here!

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