Sunday, November 13, 2011

Interpersonal Exercise #9: Relationships, Part 1

What do you think relationships in the U.S. mostly emphasize? 

I would like to think that relationships in the U.S mostly emphasize true love, honestly and fidelity, but I think we all know this isn't unfortunately not true. Relationships in the United States emphasize sex, money (status), and looks. People are always concerned about marrying up, marrying someone beautiful, and having enough money. 

What things do you see are important to a relationship in U.S. culture today? Is this a good or a bad thing? Why?
Again, I think that unfortunately sex, money, and looks are seen as the most important things in U.S. relationships. This is very sad, but true. Relationships should be based around true love, honesty, and fidelity...till death do you part. 

How does culture affect your own relationships?
Culture effects not only mine but all relationships. There are consistently sexy magazines, people, even songs thrown before our eyes. Little children are exposed to half naked women on magazine covers in check-outs at grocery stores. Although this may not seem like a big deal, little things like this are showing children that to be in love, you have to have sex and be a size zero and have a sweaty six-pack. Songs and music videos are about being rich and have skinny, almost naked women in videos. This much exposure beings to form ideas in people's heads that these people are normal; everyone is supposed to be that skinny, wear such little clothes, and be rich to be happy.
How do the media affect what people look for in friendships and romantic relationships?

Like stated above, the media expresses the need for good looks and money to be happy and prosperous. All of this in the media then implies that being this type of person OR being around those types of people make you successful. Having a friend with money, fame, good looks, or a high social status is also beneficial. In friendships, people learn to look for friends with money and a high social status; a friend who can boost their own status and worth. Romantically, people look for those same qualities with the added good looks. 

For this response, Use complete sentences, proper grammar, and correct spelling. Be concise, but thorough. Refer to your course text. I will reject work with errors.

Sample answer: Culture and the media affect relationships by skewing public perceptions of beauty and its importance. Relationships in the U.S. mostly focus on outer appearances, wealth, and social standing. This is a bad thing because people don’t really like each other for who they are...

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