Monday, November 7, 2011

Speeches we've done, and the road ahead...

Introduction (50 XP)
Special Occasion (25 XP)
Audio/Visual (50 XP)
Persuasive Debate Project (25 XP + 25XP response Blog)
'Manuscripted' Reading (25 XP)


These have paved the way toward your Final Speech. Now let's take it to the next level...

Lesson Objectives
After you have finished this lesson, you should be able to:

-Develop a richer understanding of your own personal research, development, and presentation techniques related to public speaking. 

-Strengthen and apply your research abilities in order to more effectively support your human communication techniques. 

-Identify distinct speech styles employed by peers and professionals. 

-Build confidence in speech organization using methods from DeVito's text. 

-Refine speech delivery habits to improve the effectiveness of your presentations.

Read Units 15 &16: “Support, Style, Organization, and Presentation” (pages 326-388).

Define the following terms in your own words. Do not use textbook definitions, but imagine how you would describe these terms to other students.

1. Thesis: A thesis is the main point, what is to be discussed later in the speech or essay. It needs to stand out and catch the attention of the listeners/readers. 

2. Narratives: A story of events or actual experiences. Typically paints a picture to describe an event

3. Analogies: Like a metaphor. It is a comparison that is used to help paint a picture.

4. Testimony: A testimony is like a quote or facts that come from another source. Testimonies are used in court cases, when a witness is stating his/her recollection. 

5. Presentation aids: Presentation aids are objects that are presented. They may be pictures, powerpoints, or even people.

6. Models: Models are representations of the actual object. 

7. Motivated Sequence: This describes a way information is arranged to make the audience respond positively to the purpose presented. 

8. Orientation: Orientation is given in the introduction; it gives the audience a "map" to how the information will be presented. "Tell them what you're going to tell them/ Tell them/ Tell them what you told them."

9. Closure: Closure is a part of the conclusion, it gives a definite ending.

Name 3 examples of presentation aids.

1. Models 
2. Graphs
3. People

Name 6 patterns that are involved with Public Speaking.
1. Temporal 
2. Spatial
3. Topical
4. Problem-Solution
5. Cause-Effect/Effect-Cause
6. Motivated Secquence

What is the difference between a conclusion and closure?
A conclusion consists of 3 parts: summary, motivation, and closure. A conclusion's sole function is to conclude the speech. Closure is a part of the conclusion; it is the last punch, like the thesis in the introduction. Closure can be a quote, a question, or even just thanking the audience. 

Find an article in a magazine or newspaper and summarize it in 4 sentences below.
1. Article Title: Divorce Bombshell: Single & Pregnant
2. Summary: Kris Humphries cheated on Kim Kardashian, and now Kim has filed for divorce. The families didn't see eye to eye or feel fondly for the new in-law. Kim and Kris's final straw was over having a family and where they were going to settle down, Minnesota or in L.A. Now, Kim is showing signs of pregnancy, is planning to end the 72 day long marriage with divorce, and will make millions.  

Based on your own performance, and your observations of others in class, please describe five ways in which you will make a conscious improvement during your final.

1) I want to make sure I practice more before hand: in a mirror, to my roommates, anything.
2) I also want to time myself. When I speak, I loose track of time, so I think that when I practice I should time myself so I have a sense of where I'm at. 
3) I want to work on having a better introduction and conclusion. I want to have stronger of each. To do this, I will make sure I work on some of the blogs that practice this.
4) I want to make sure I have better notes (or any notes at all) The big speech will be long compared to the previous speeches, which I haven't needed notes for. I will need to find a way to create good notes to reference and then practice using them while I practice my speech.
5) One more thing that I want to improve on is my confidence. I need to make sure that my final speech is something that I am passionate about so I can speech confidently and not allow my voice to waver. I think that by practicing my speech more, my voice will be better too. 

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