Tuesday, November 8, 2011

$10,000 In 48 Hours

First of all, if I actually had 10,000 dollars handed to me, I would invest it in getting new soccer fields back in my home town of Ashland. But, because this is completely boring and would take more than a 48 hours to complete, I have a more "realistic" plan for the money.

The first thing I would buy with the money is a new phone. And after that awesome video we  saw in class about the new iPhone 4s.
This phone is about $300.00. In addition, I would set aside the $30 per month for each month for the next 3 years, until I am done with college and have a real job that can pay for that.
Total of phone: $1,380

After I had a new phone, I would use it to call my parents and tell them I have bought them a trip to Hawaii. The trip will be a 6 day, all inclusive vacation to Honolulu Hawaii where they will stay at a Hilton Hotel.
Total of the trip: $2,498


Now, after sending my parents away, I plan on taking a vacation with my boyfriend. First, we would go to Detroit to see the Packers vs Lions football game. Of course, we will have amazing seats, right in the end zone, costing close to $300 each. Our round trip plane tickets to get to Detroit would cost $327 each, and then an additional cost of $249 for the hotel, the MGM Grand Detroit.
While in Detroit, we will take a helicopter tour of the city. The tour will cost $535.00

Total Detroit Trip Cost: $1,384


After visiting Detroit, I would get on another plane with Dane and head to Florida. I have relatives that live there that I would stay with, some in Tampa and others on the coast. One round-trip plane ticket to Tampa from Detroit costs $222. Two tickets costs a total of $444. In Tampa, I plan on going skydiving and parasailing. A tandem skydiving tickets costs $259.  To go tandem parasailing as well, the tickets cost 86.50 each. I also want to swim with dolphins and so snorkeling. For two sets of these tickets, the cost is about $620.

Total of Water Trip: $1,755


In Tampa, I would want to go out for a nice dinner, a VERY nice dinner. I would go to Bern's Steak House, and the meal would cost around $200 per person.

Meal Total: $400

Upon the return home after that wonderful couple days away, I would be sure to pick up something nice for my sister. One, I would like to get her a laptop. $1,500. I would also buy her a new Coach purse at around $300, and a couple new pairs of UGGS for "us". Three pairs of UGGS total about $400. Then, for my mom, my sister, Dane's sister, Dane's mom, and my roommate Bri, I would buy a pair of Tom Shoes. Tom's are a great company that donates a pair of shoes for each that you buy. Each pair would average $45, so 6 pairs of them would be $270.

Gifts Total: $3,300


Any remaining money I would spend on snacks on the plane or other little things.

After planning all of this, I am excited to be older, have a real job, and hopefully be able to make all of this happen.

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