Thursday, November 17, 2011

Million Dollar Speech Group Work

Thursday, November 17th

Tenzing: Tenzing did not have a set thesis, but he had a very good idea. His idea was to put his million dollars towards a Habitat For Humanity type of thing in India. He wants to donate all the money, but send along regulation or stipulations for how the money is to be used. Tenzing was not sure about what his main points would be, but some of this ideas we came up with for him are the effects the money would have, who the money goes to or the cause, the rules and regulations, and why he chose to do this. The reason Tenzing chose this was because he has already participated with it; he spend time in India helping and volunteering. 

Jake: Jake's idea of how to spend his money was a very recent idea he had, one he actually came up with in class today. Jake also did not have a set thesis, but this idea is another interesting one. Will his million dollars (and more), Jake plans to open vacation homes up and use a portion of the income to open facilities like a YMCA. The difference is that Jake's facilities would be free of charge to the kids. Jake still needs to do a lot of research about the cost of the homes and the YMCA facilities. He also thinks that the vacation home will be in Mexico. 

Mackenzie: "If I help those close to me, myself, and a few strangers, maybe I can change a few people's lives." This is what Mackenzie plans on using as her thesis statement. Her thesis pretty clearly states who she plans on helping. Mackenzie seems to have a very organized plan of where her money is going to go. Her main points are what she is going to do for herself, others, and strangers. As for strangers, that aspect is going to be a "pay it forward" type of idea. 

Matt: Matt also seemed to have a very good idea about the construction of his speech. Jake's idea is about power armor. For his main ideas, he is going to talk about why he's is doing this, where, and the division of the money. Construction safety, war safety, and elderly/handicapped are going to be the areas the power armor is of benefit. Matt also plans to talk about battery power, reliability, response time, safety, and proper mediums. He plans to construct his speech is a sort of persuasive manner, as to be convincing others to invest their money is power armor. 

Me: My speech is going to be about proper training for youth athletes. I was to ensure that children are properly trained in injury prevention. I chose this idea for my speech because I am very closely related to the subject; the passion I have for this topic is very great. I am not completely sure about the main points of my work, but I have a few ideas. A lot of research still needs to be done along with a lot of planning. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ted Videos

Tonight I watched two Ted videos. The first was by a Ric Elias. He spoke about his experience of being on the plane that had to land in the Hudson River and what he took away from that experience. The second video was by Ken Robinson. Ken talked about how school kills creativity, I think. That's what his video was titled, but he was such a random, unorganized speaker that I took away nothing from the speech.
Ric Elias spoke about the 3 things he learned from his experience. He seems to have turned into a very positive and a "live-live-by-the-moment" type of person. His video was inspirational and interesting. Ric encouraged people in the audience to imagine if they had been in his situation and learn to live life to the fullest; stop putting off things you mean to do.
I am a huge fan of inspirational stories! I think it is great how this tragic experience has changed Ric's life for the better and has made him so full of life.

Check our Ric's video"3 Things I learned While My Plane Crashed" here!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Interpersonal Exercise #10: Relationships, Part 2

Lesson Objectives:
After you have finished this lesson, you should be able to:
Assess your own relationship behavior and make adjustments as needed.
Recognize the “darkside” of relationships.
Distinguish the ways in which culture and media impact all relationship types.
Describe the types and functions of friendship, love, and family relationships.

Read DeVito’s Units 8 & 9 “Relationships” (pages 170-212). 

What do you look for in a romantic relationship? Why are these characteristics important to you?
I am very careful about choosing romantic relationships. Trust is very important to me; I need to be able to trust him completely and he has to trust me. (That is why my boyfriend in Green Bay and I can be together.) Along with trust goes honesty; he has to be able to tell me anything and everything, good or bad, and I need to feel I can talk openly to him as well. Romantic relationships also need to have good communication and both him and myself need to be good listeners. He also needs to treat me good and respectfully. Romantic relationships also need to be about fun. We need to be able to joke around together and share some of the same interests. 

What kind of lover do you consider yourself? (Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania, Agape)
I would like to consider myself a Pragma lover.

What do you look for in a friendship? What kind of a friend do you consider yourself?
Friendships are based on the same characteristics: respect, trust, honesty, fun, and caring. I believe these are the same characteristics for a boyfriend and a friend because I believe that a boyfriend or husband should also be able to be considered my best friend.
Give an example in your life of each of the types of friendships. (Reciprocity, Receptivity, Association)
Reciprocity: An example of a reciprocity friendship in my life is with my best friend. We give and                                                            take equally and are extremely loyal to one another.
Receptivity: An example of this type of friendship is between my math teacher and I. I am gaining more for our relationships than she is; I am gaining more than she is. 
Association: The friendships I have with my coworkers at Storm's Den is an example of association. There is not much giving or receiving and no strong loyalty. 

Interpersonal Exercise #9: Relationships, Part 1

What do you think relationships in the U.S. mostly emphasize? 

I would like to think that relationships in the U.S mostly emphasize true love, honestly and fidelity, but I think we all know this isn't unfortunately not true. Relationships in the United States emphasize sex, money (status), and looks. People are always concerned about marrying up, marrying someone beautiful, and having enough money. 

What things do you see are important to a relationship in U.S. culture today? Is this a good or a bad thing? Why?
Again, I think that unfortunately sex, money, and looks are seen as the most important things in U.S. relationships. This is very sad, but true. Relationships should be based around true love, honesty, and fidelity...till death do you part. 

How does culture affect your own relationships?
Culture effects not only mine but all relationships. There are consistently sexy magazines, people, even songs thrown before our eyes. Little children are exposed to half naked women on magazine covers in check-outs at grocery stores. Although this may not seem like a big deal, little things like this are showing children that to be in love, you have to have sex and be a size zero and have a sweaty six-pack. Songs and music videos are about being rich and have skinny, almost naked women in videos. This much exposure beings to form ideas in people's heads that these people are normal; everyone is supposed to be that skinny, wear such little clothes, and be rich to be happy.
How do the media affect what people look for in friendships and romantic relationships?

Like stated above, the media expresses the need for good looks and money to be happy and prosperous. All of this in the media then implies that being this type of person OR being around those types of people make you successful. Having a friend with money, fame, good looks, or a high social status is also beneficial. In friendships, people learn to look for friends with money and a high social status; a friend who can boost their own status and worth. Romantically, people look for those same qualities with the added good looks. 

For this response, Use complete sentences, proper grammar, and correct spelling. Be concise, but thorough. Refer to your course text. I will reject work with errors.

Sample answer: Culture and the media affect relationships by skewing public perceptions of beauty and its importance. Relationships in the U.S. mostly focus on outer appearances, wealth, and social standing. This is a bad thing because people don’t really like each other for who they are...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Perfect Day

Describing my perfect day is easy! It would include my boyfriend and of course my dog. I'm also in love with thunder storms, big fluffy snowflakes, and a few more things. All of those placed in a specific order creates my perfect day.

On my perfect day, I would wake up in my bed, because that's where I sleep best, and with my boyfriend Dane. I wouldn't wake up to an alarm or to a screaming mother, but to my dog Annie licking my hand. 
Once awake, Dane would insist on making me breakfast in bed, blueberry pancakes, sausage, and hash browns. 
After breakfast, Dane and I would go for a walk in the woods. We would both take our dogs, maybe our guns, and possibly a four-wheeler ride later. After being out in the woods for a while, we would notice the weather was starting to could up and would head back home. Of course, it was cold outside and we would make hot chocolate and popcorn and put in a movie. A sappy love story would be best. During the movie, thunder and lightning would start striking, in addition to the giant, slow, snowflakes falling from the sky. 
After the weather cleared, Dane and I would get on an airplane and go to Rome for dinner. Since it's a perfect day, the plane ride take only an hour or so, and no passports necessary. I love pasta and bread sticks, so we would have a fabulous dinner, no expenses spared. After dinner, we would again get on a plane and end up in Paris, just in time to see the sun set beyond the Eiffel Tower. Our hotel for the night would have the perfect view of the tower! 
I would hit the spa before the night got too late, so I was completely relaxed. Upon returning to my room, Dane would meet me at the door with flowers in one hand, and candy and one of my favorite movies in hand. I would drift off to sleep wrapped in his arms, the Eiffel tower to my side, and my favorite movie playing in the background. 
This may be my perfect day, but I am perfectly aware it's also a "dream" day. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

$10,000 In 48 Hours

First of all, if I actually had 10,000 dollars handed to me, I would invest it in getting new soccer fields back in my home town of Ashland. But, because this is completely boring and would take more than a 48 hours to complete, I have a more "realistic" plan for the money.

The first thing I would buy with the money is a new phone. And after that awesome video we  saw in class about the new iPhone 4s.
This phone is about $300.00. In addition, I would set aside the $30 per month for each month for the next 3 years, until I am done with college and have a real job that can pay for that.
Total of phone: $1,380

After I had a new phone, I would use it to call my parents and tell them I have bought them a trip to Hawaii. The trip will be a 6 day, all inclusive vacation to Honolulu Hawaii where they will stay at a Hilton Hotel.
Total of the trip: $2,498;jsessionid=AF6B8BB8080ACEDC1BBDF3AEB4EC1AD7.p0618?propertyId=7730&startIndex=&showMap=&sortOrder=&sortAlpha=&tab=features&travelPackageId=542338003&hotelQKey=&tsHotelQKey=&resetReview=true&loclink=VAC_SELECTHOTEL.CHEAPEST1|NAT7&SEQ=13207932218951082011&hotelQKey=&flightOptionSelected=1

Now, after sending my parents away, I plan on taking a vacation with my boyfriend. First, we would go to Detroit to see the Packers vs Lions football game. Of course, we will have amazing seats, right in the end zone, costing close to $300 each. Our round trip plane tickets to get to Detroit would cost $327 each, and then an additional cost of $249 for the hotel, the MGM Grand Detroit.
While in Detroit, we will take a helicopter tour of the city. The tour will cost $535.00

Total Detroit Trip Cost: $1,384;jsessionid=53F91D1524EBD74F7172D004B9B91CCF.p0257?propertyId=77377&tab=features&hotelQKey=6302100918766095292&tsHotelQKey=6302100918766095292&resetReview=true&locLink=HOTEL.HOTELAVAILABILITYLIST1|NAT4&dr=88153A99Z32831A139Z101371A199Z77377A249Z971A169Z36910A204Z26A219Z9744A195Z24594A189Z16589A

After visiting Detroit, I would get on another plane with Dane and head to Florida. I have relatives that live there that I would stay with, some in Tampa and others on the coast. One round-trip plane ticket to Tampa from Detroit costs $222. Two tickets costs a total of $444. In Tampa, I plan on going skydiving and parasailing. A tandem skydiving tickets costs $259.  To go tandem parasailing as well, the tickets cost 86.50 each. I also want to swim with dolphins and so snorkeling. For two sets of these tickets, the cost is about $620.

Total of Water Trip: $1,755

In Tampa, I would want to go out for a nice dinner, a VERY nice dinner. I would go to Bern's Steak House, and the meal would cost around $200 per person.

Meal Total: $400

Upon the return home after that wonderful couple days away, I would be sure to pick up something nice for my sister. One, I would like to get her a laptop. $1,500. I would also buy her a new Coach purse at around $300, and a couple new pairs of UGGS for "us". Three pairs of UGGS total about $400. Then, for my mom, my sister, Dane's sister, Dane's mom, and my roommate Bri, I would buy a pair of Tom Shoes. Tom's are a great company that donates a pair of shoes for each that you buy. Each pair would average $45, so 6 pairs of them would be $270.

Gifts Total: $3,300,default,sc.html?source=ggl_ppc&s_kwcid=TC|6895|uggs||S|e|9379196940&gclid=CPXTqMfJqKwCFYIAQAodM2VoAg

Any remaining money I would spend on snacks on the plane or other little things.

After planning all of this, I am excited to be older, have a real job, and hopefully be able to make all of this happen.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Speeches we've done, and the road ahead...

Introduction (50 XP)
Special Occasion (25 XP)
Audio/Visual (50 XP)
Persuasive Debate Project (25 XP + 25XP response Blog)
'Manuscripted' Reading (25 XP)


These have paved the way toward your Final Speech. Now let's take it to the next level...

Lesson Objectives
After you have finished this lesson, you should be able to:

-Develop a richer understanding of your own personal research, development, and presentation techniques related to public speaking. 

-Strengthen and apply your research abilities in order to more effectively support your human communication techniques. 

-Identify distinct speech styles employed by peers and professionals. 

-Build confidence in speech organization using methods from DeVito's text. 

-Refine speech delivery habits to improve the effectiveness of your presentations.

Read Units 15 &16: “Support, Style, Organization, and Presentation” (pages 326-388).

Define the following terms in your own words. Do not use textbook definitions, but imagine how you would describe these terms to other students.

1. Thesis: A thesis is the main point, what is to be discussed later in the speech or essay. It needs to stand out and catch the attention of the listeners/readers. 

2. Narratives: A story of events or actual experiences. Typically paints a picture to describe an event

3. Analogies: Like a metaphor. It is a comparison that is used to help paint a picture.

4. Testimony: A testimony is like a quote or facts that come from another source. Testimonies are used in court cases, when a witness is stating his/her recollection. 

5. Presentation aids: Presentation aids are objects that are presented. They may be pictures, powerpoints, or even people.

6. Models: Models are representations of the actual object. 

7. Motivated Sequence: This describes a way information is arranged to make the audience respond positively to the purpose presented. 

8. Orientation: Orientation is given in the introduction; it gives the audience a "map" to how the information will be presented. "Tell them what you're going to tell them/ Tell them/ Tell them what you told them."

9. Closure: Closure is a part of the conclusion, it gives a definite ending.

Name 3 examples of presentation aids.

1. Models 
2. Graphs
3. People

Name 6 patterns that are involved with Public Speaking.
1. Temporal 
2. Spatial
3. Topical
4. Problem-Solution
5. Cause-Effect/Effect-Cause
6. Motivated Secquence

What is the difference between a conclusion and closure?
A conclusion consists of 3 parts: summary, motivation, and closure. A conclusion's sole function is to conclude the speech. Closure is a part of the conclusion; it is the last punch, like the thesis in the introduction. Closure can be a quote, a question, or even just thanking the audience. 

Find an article in a magazine or newspaper and summarize it in 4 sentences below.
1. Article Title: Divorce Bombshell: Single & Pregnant
2. Summary: Kris Humphries cheated on Kim Kardashian, and now Kim has filed for divorce. The families didn't see eye to eye or feel fondly for the new in-law. Kim and Kris's final straw was over having a family and where they were going to settle down, Minnesota or in L.A. Now, Kim is showing signs of pregnancy, is planning to end the 72 day long marriage with divorce, and will make millions.  

Based on your own performance, and your observations of others in class, please describe five ways in which you will make a conscious improvement during your final.

1) I want to make sure I practice more before hand: in a mirror, to my roommates, anything.
2) I also want to time myself. When I speak, I loose track of time, so I think that when I practice I should time myself so I have a sense of where I'm at. 
3) I want to work on having a better introduction and conclusion. I want to have stronger of each. To do this, I will make sure I work on some of the blogs that practice this.
4) I want to make sure I have better notes (or any notes at all) The big speech will be long compared to the previous speeches, which I haven't needed notes for. I will need to find a way to create good notes to reference and then practice using them while I practice my speech.
5) One more thing that I want to improve on is my confidence. I need to make sure that my final speech is something that I am passionate about so I can speech confidently and not allow my voice to waver. I think that by practicing my speech more, my voice will be better too.