Friday, December 16, 2011

Abstract, Citation, Repeat

"Despite the documented health benefits of increased physical activity (e.g., weight management, improved self-esteem, and increased strength, endurance, and flexibility), those who participate in athletics are at risk for sports-related injuriesHigh school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations annually" 

"Sports-Related Injuries Among High School Athletes --- United States, 2005--06 School Year." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 29 Sept. 2006. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

This source is a great fact to include in my speech. It talks about the number of athletes who get hurt each year and what those athletes require for care. I think it would be great to include numbers such as these in my speech because numbers this large draw attention.

"Overuse injury, which occurs over time from repeated motion, is responsible for nearly half of all sports injuries to middle-and high-school students. Immature bones, insufficient rest after an injury and poor training or conditioning contribute to overuse injuries among children."

"Sports Injury Facts." National Center for Sports Safety. National Center for Sports Safety, 2011. Web. 30 Nov 2011. <>. 

This quote is sure support that that poor training causes injuries; the trainers I plan on employing are there to ensure proper training techniques. This article specifically addresses the injuries to children, which is my direct focus as well.

"Reduced rates of injury have come through rule changes and improvement of equipment, but Mueller thinks they can be lowered even more through better coaching."

Duffuor, Nana. "11 Injury-Prone High School Sports." ABC News. ABC News Internet Ventures, 11/13/2008. Web. 30 Nov 2011. <>

This sources would be a great addition to supporting my intentions with more than a million dollars. With excess of a million, I plan on bettering playing conditions, improving equipment, and sending all kids through a prevention program. The athletic trainers will have a strong influence with the way practices are run, from ways of working out and lifting to different warm-ups and cool-downs.  This source is a great support for many of the aspects I will include in my speech.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thesis, Conclusion, Repeat

Introduction 1
Every day, high school athletes fall victim to injuries, some which are a quick recovery, some which change lives forever, a few that end lives, and most which were preventable. Hi, my name is Nichole Schmidt, and with my million dollar idea, I plan on employing athletic trainers across the state of Wisconsin to teach injury prevention and proper training techniques to high school athletes. As you all know, personnel in the medical field earn a high salary, so I would need more than a million dollars to get an athletic trainer at every school for multiple years. This is a topic that is very important to me, so the ideas that I have were very carefully thought through.

Conclusion 1
Every day, athletes suffer from injuries of all sorts, but in most cases, those injuries were preventable. With my million dollars, the athletic trainers hired will be responsible to teach preventative methods. With just a million, 29 trainers would be hired to do the various jobs of teaching warm-ups, cool-downs, proper weight lifting techniques, and taking care of the injuries that do occur. With more time and money, I would increase the number of trainers across the state, improve the playing conditions, and get up to date equipment for all the high schools. My million dollars is only a small part to a very large goal I have, but even with 29 trainers, injuries would be prevented, and no price tag can be put on that. 

Introduction 2
Everyone knows at least one person who has suffered and injury in high school due to sports. What people don't know is that most of those injuries were preventable. There are about 2 million high school athletes who will suffer from an injury each year. With proper training techniques and an athletic trainer to ensure the safety of athletes, many of the 2 million injures can be prevented. With my million dollars, I plan on employing athletic trainers in the state of Wisconsin to take care of the athletes. My million dollars is not enough to put a trainer at every high school, but the effects the few trainers will have will be immense. 

Conclusion 2
There are multiple kids getting hurt every day that could have had their injuries prevented. Children are visiting doctors, admitted into hospitals, and a few even die; those injuries didn't have to happen. My million dollars is going to be put towards helping those children prevent and treat injuries due to sports. My plan is to hire athletic trainers across the state of Wisconsin, my home state, to work in high schools with the athletes. Trainers would initiate proper training techniques, create good warm-up and cool-down workouts, and care for injuries properly. My million dollars would not be enough to get an athletic trainer at every high school, but a million dollars would be a great start to helping the athletes in need.

Introduction 3
Ankle sprains, concussions, torn ligaments, shin splints: these are all common injuries high school athletes suffer from on a daily basis. They are so common that millions of athletes suffer every year, about 2 million to be exact. Injuries such as these don't have to be so common. With athletic trainers available to the athletes, injuries could be prevent and treated properly. A million dollars would be enough to employ a trainer at 29 high schools in Wisconsin, who would then teach good techniques of all sorts. More than a million dollars would be of a lot more benefit. With that money, I would employ more trainers, work to improve field and gym conditions, and be sure that all schools had new and proper fitting equipment. I have a lot of goal and ideas to help high school athletes with my million dollars, each of which would prevent unnecessary injuries. 

Conclusion 3
As you can see, injuries such as sprains, torn ligaments, and concussions are easily preventable with better training. Better training and better playing conditions will be accomplished with my million dollar idea. All across Wisconsin, athletic trains will be working with athletes to teach them safer ways to train. The trainers will become a part of the high school, and hopefully be able to work with all of the students, not just the athletes. What the trainers teach the students will not only benefit them for their current sport, but also in the rest of their extra curricular activities, for the rest of their lives. My million dollar idea will not only effect the current generation of athletes, but will have an effect on many others as well.

Organizational Communication - Resume


Nichole Schmidt
Student at The College of St. Scholastica

From previous employment, I have developed very good interpersonal skills. I have learned to work
well along or with large groups and learn quickly. I have very good time-management skills and
always push myself to do better. I work under very high pressure situations and can work well with
both experienced or new coworkers.

Storm's Worker at Storm's Den
September 2011 - Present (4 months)
At Storm's Den, I work in many different areas. I have experience working a grill, fryer, and cash
register. I also make wraps, subs, pizzas, and stock shelves and coolers.
Shift Manager at Ashland Dairy Queen
March 2008 - August 2011 (3 years 6 months)
Dairy Queen entailed many jobs. Of course, I made numerous ice cream products and worked at a
cash register. I also made and decorated ice cream cakes, trained new employees, and
occasionally make the monthly work schedule for all the employees. There were also many
cleaning and sanitizing job that were done.
Lifeguard at AmericInn Lodge and Suites
July 2008 - December 2008 (6 months)
As a lifeguard, I kept watch over the pool and water slides. Every night I had to clean the pool area
and spray down the floors. I had to enforce all of the rules in the pool, spa, sauna, and water slide
areas. I also occasionally helped in the pool-side restaurant making pizzas and working at the deep
fryer. When the pool was empty, I had to help do laundry, fold and stock towels, and clean and
vacuum the lounges.

Volunteer Experience
Volunteer at Whistle Stop Marathon
2005 - Present (6 years)
I have volunteered in many areas of this marathon. I have held water stations for the runners and
handed out the water, I have organized the runners bags of clothes and numbers, and I have
helped runners after races to recover, locate family, and handing our scores and times.
Youth Coach & Mentor at Youth Basketball and Soccer
2009 - 2011 (2 years)
I help coach youth athletics, both basketball and soccer players. I meet with them during their
season and help teach them the basics and the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.

The College of St. Scholastica
Exercise Physiology, Physical Therapy, 2011 - 2015

Activities and Societies: Spread Love Like Violence Club, Intermural sports, Benedictine Friends,
Storm's Den Employee
Ashland High School
2007 - 2011

Running, Soccer, Working out, Snowmobiling, Fishing, Cooking, Baking, Trying new things, Dancing,

Nichole Schmidt
Student at The College of St. Scholastica
Contact Nichole on LinkedIn

Company & Job Description

Petite Platinum Pets
Boss/CEO- Anna
Director of HR- Bailey       

Mission- Our mission at Petite Platinum Pets is to promote cleanliness and beauty to all small pets. (Such as: ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.)

Job Position- Salon Technician

Job Description- Bathing, grooming and styling small pets.

Salary- $70,000 annually

Qualifications- A sense of style, patience, good hand-eye coordination, a love for animals and works well with people.

Million Dollar Speech: Sources Cited

Nichole Schmidt
December 6th, 2011
Human Communications, Rob Larson

Sources Sited
"Athletic trainers salary." Sports medicine salary. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov 2011. <>.

"Sports-Related Injuries Among High School Athletes --- United States, 2005--06 School Year." Sports related injuries among high school athletes. CDC, 2006. Web. 30 Nov 2011. <>.

"Sports Injury Facts." National Center for Sports Safety. National Center for Sports Safety, 2011. Web. 30 Nov 2011. <>.

"Wisconsin Public School Statistics." Education Bug. 2011, 2011. Web. 30 Nov 2011. <>.

Duffuor, Nana. "11 Injury-Prone High School Sports." ABC News. ABC News Internet Ventures, 11/13/2008. Web. 30 Nov 2011.

Dial, Jenny. "College Scholarships Rare for High School Athletes - Houston Chronicle."Houston News, Sports, Business, and Entertainment - The Houston Chronicle at - Houston Chronicle. 01 Feb. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2011. <>.

"The New York Times Sports Image Scholarsphips: Slicing the Pie." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 10 Mar. 2008. Web. 06 Dec. 2011. <>.

"Sports-Related Injuries Among High School Athletes --- United States, 2005--06 School Year." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 29 Sept. 2006. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

Million Dollar Speech: Supplement for Audience

Title Page
Youth Injuries:
Preventable With Just A Million

By: Nikki Schmidt

Inside Pages (Left to right)
Page 1

My Inspiration

When I was in therapy, I had an amazing and inspirational therapist; she pushed me every day to get better, and I became stronger than ever before. Since my school did not have an athletic trainer, Stephanie would come over to our practices after her 8 hour work day and work with us for a few hours; she did this without recognition or pay, and she did it because we needed her. She is the reason and inspiration for my million dollar idea

Page 2
About The Injuries - When do they occur and what are their effects?

Days lost due to injury 

Page 3
With A Million More 

Improve field conditions 

 Purchase adequate training equipment

 Join the Club

The National Center for Sports Safety (NCSS) was founded to promote the importance of injury prevention and safety on all levels of youth sports through education and research. The NCSS focuses on decreasing the number and/or severity of injuries through developing and teaching sports safety courses and collecting, analyzing and researching injury data.

Outside Flap
What A Million Will Do

Hire Athletic Trainers
    -Trainer’s Salary = $35,000
    -1 Trainer per 19 high schools

    -Teach good warm-up routines
    -Teach proper lifting skills
    -Teach good cool-down routines
    -Care for injuries correctly
    -Be present at games

Back Pannel
To learn more about high school injuries and prevention, check out these websites:

By: Nichole Schmidt

Million Dollar Speech: Outline

Nichole Schmidt
December 1st, 2011
Human Communications, Rob Larson

Youth Athletic Injuries: Preventable With Just A Million
1) Intro
A)     Every day, high school athletes become victim to injuries, some which change lives forever, some that end lives, and most which were preventable.
Hi, my name is Nichole Schmidt, and with my million dollar idea, I plan on employing athletic trainers across the state to teach injury prevention and proper training techniques to high school athletes.
B)     Medical Employment = expensive
      -More than 1 million dollars          
      -Start in WI public high schools with 1:5 ratio                                                               

2) Body 1 – Why I chose to do this
                        A) I fell victim to injury, twice
                        B) My injury lead to my career/major
                                    -I want to volunteer after I graduate
                                    -My million dollar idea will help to start what I want to volunteer with
                        C) My experiences
                                    -Number of injuries witnessed (further injury)
                                    -Witness bad training (weights, warm-ups)
                                    -What I see vs what really occurs (stats)

3) Body 2 – Injuries and their costs
                        A) Number of high school injuries (7.2 Million H.S. Athletes)
                                    -2 million injuries (about 29%)
                                    -500,000 doctor visits (about 7%)
                                    -30,000 hospitalizations annually (.5% - 1 kid every other year)
                        B) Costs of Injuries
                                    -Average cost of ACL - $2,339.43 out of pocket
                                    - Surgery costs alone cost between 25-50 thousand
                                    - My surgery (first one) was almost $80,000 after everything
                        C) Scholarships
                                    -34% of college athletes receive scholarships
                                    -Average college athletic scholarship = $10,409

4) Body 3 – Plan and cost
                        A) Hiring athletic trainers for WI
                                    -WI because it is my home state
                                    -541 Public high schools, 5 schools per A.T. = 90 A.Ts
                        B) Trainers Jobs
                                    -Teach proper lifting skills
                                    -Proper warm-ups and cool-downs
                                    -Care for injuries properly

5) Body 4 – In the future
                        A) Sign the website agreement
                        B) New fields
                        C) New equipment
                        D) Prevention program to all students, not just athletes
                                    -Mandatory class in school?
                                    -Taught by gym teachers
6) Conclusion
            Every day, athletes suffer injuries of all sorts, but in most cases, those injuries were preventable. With my million dollars, the athletic trainers hired will be responsible to teach preventative methods, such as good warm-ups, cool-downs, and strength and conditioning. In case of injury, the trainers are also responsible for proper taping methods and other care for the many types of injuries. My million dollars will only hire the first 29 trainers which are to be placed in WI. With time and more money, I would increase the number of trainers in the state, better the conditions of playing surfaces, and get up to date equipment for all schools. My million dollars is only a small start to the large goal I have, but with just 29 trainers, injuries would be prevented, and no price tag can be put on that.

Million Dollar Speech: Background Information

Nichole Schmidt
December 7th, 2011
Human Communications, Rob Larson

About My Presentation

            My speech I will be making today is about youth athletic injuries and preventing them. With my million dollars, I plan to hire athletic trainers throughout Wisconsin, my home state, and have them teach proper and safe training to the athletes. In order to hire an athletic trainer for every high school in the state, I would need more than a million dollars; it would be closer to 18 million. Although my million seems to make just a small dent in this amount, it will be helping a large number of people.
            The topic of athletic injury is very important to me; I chose this topic not only because it has already had an effect on my life, but because I plan to continue on into this sort of field. As for my past, I have already experienced two devastating injuries due to sport, but which have required surgery. Injuries are very hard on children, not only the physical aspect, but mentally as well. As a high school athlete, I had dreams of playing at the collegiate level, but those dreams have been shattered, twice. My high school did not have an athletic trainer available, and I strongly believe that mine, as well as many of the other injuries I witnessed, could have been prevented. It is with this, my past, that I have chosen my path towards the future.
            I have come here to Saint Scholastica to pursue a degree in exercise physiology and then go on to become a physical therapist, athlete specialist. When I was in therapy I had an amazing and inspirational therapist; she pushed me every day to get better, and I became stronger than ever before! I want to become that kind of person; I want to be the motivation for other people and push them to do their best. One of the other goals I have for myself as a physical therapist is to volunteer at a local school, as my therapist did at my school. Since my school did not have an athletic trainer, the therapist would come over to our practices after her 8 hour work day and work with us for a few hours; she did this without recognition or pay, and she did it because we needed her. She is the reason and inspiration for my million dollar idea.
            As I said, my million dollars would just be the beginning of getting trainers at all schools, but with unlimited funds, I would choose to do so much more. Of course, I would start by getting a trainer at all 514 public high schools in Wisconsin. Then, I would work towards improving field conditions and getting up to date sporting equipment and weight machines for the schools. I feel very passionate about all of this, and rightfully so because of my close connection. I plan to use my degree and experience to do what I can for high school students after I graduate weather I have a million dollars to spend or not.