Monday, October 10, 2011

Ten things I love in my life

1.) One of the biggest things in my life is my boyfriend Dane. Dane is a senior at UWGB and we have been dating for more than 2 years. Some people told us that long distance relationships do not work, but we have proven that to be not true. Actually, I believe the distance has made us closer; we are forced to have great communication and have become so much closer because of that. I definitely believe that with a little work and a lot of commitment, long distance relationships work! :)

2.) My family is a huge part of my life. For one, they have taught me just about everything, from my morals and ethics to manners. I only have one sibling, my younger sister, and her and I are very close. College separation has been hard on us. My family my be somewhat small, but my extended family makes up for that. My mom is the youngest of 12 siblings, so I have plenty of aunts, uncles, and and million cousins. My family may be huge, but we are very close. Its a great feeling to know I have that many people supporting me.
My mom (blue tank top) and all 9 of her living siblings

3.) Another major part of my life is my dog! I actually have two, a black lab named Annie and a pug named Harley, but I consider Annie my dog. I cried saying goodbye to my dog and I miss her every day! :(

4.) My life is very focused on food! This is one of my absolute favorite foods, and also my very first place of employment! I worked here for over 3 years, and no, I do not have a favorite flavor.

5.) Sports are a major part of my life too. I am a very dedicated Wisconsin, meaning I love the Badgers, the Brewers, and of course the Packers. Visit this site to see the official Packer website.

6.) I love to watch sports, but I am also very involved in sports myself. I was a 4 sport high school athlete and enjoyed it very much! To me, sports means friends. Some of my best friends play on teams with me, and its thanks to them I have done so well with sports. Here is a picture of my cross country team and my friends. We are at Sectionals, in the snow and rain in tiny little shorts, freezing cold! In no way was it an enjoyable situation, but it was bearable thanks to my friends.

7.) I absolutely love music! I listen to lots of different kinds and dance to all of them too. I have sang karaoke before, but I'm terrible! I've learned to leave the singing up to my favorites. This song is a great song to dance and sing to, and was also one of our basketball team's pump up songs.

8.) Music is great, but so are movies. I like many kinds of movies too: comedies, love stories, horror films. I like to be scared, but I scream and cover my eyes during the movies! Here is a clip from one of my absolute favorite movies, so much my favorite that I know every line.

9.) Something else I like to do is be outside. I go hunting, fishing, hiking, boating, swimming, and much much more. I am a very active person and love to be outside. This is a picture of one of my favorite places, Saint Peter's Dome, back near my hometown of Ashland, WI.

10.) One more thing about me and my life is that I am very artistic. I love to draw; typically I just do pencil drawings. I have had the privilege to draw with Greg Alexander, a well known artist. I don't typically like to show my work to people, but the types of things I draw include people, animals, and recreations of photos. One day, when I'm much older and can afford it, I hope to have a drawing room, where I have lots of space, materials, and inspiration. But for now, taking an art or drawing class here at school will have to do.

One of Alexander's Pictures

Here is a website that sells some of Greg Alexander's work. There are some very beautiful pictures!

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