Monday, October 10, 2011

Group Presentation Exam

Group 1: Conversation

5 Stages:
-Opening                             (Verbal or nonverbal)
-Feed Forward                    (General idea of what the conversation will be like)
-Business                            (Focus of the conversation, both speak and listen)
-Feedback                           (Closing of conversation)
-Closing                              (Verbal or nonverbal)

2 Types of Conversation:
Impersonal = Business, making a good impression. ex) real estate agent
Interpersonal = Impersonal, long-term relationship, love passion or some kind of  attachment
                         ex) between a boyfriend and a girlfriend

Gossip = negative problem of conversation
              - Gossip for rewards such as social status, bonds or more gossip

Group 2: Culture
- Culture is passed through communication, not through genes

Ethnocentrism: See others/behaviors through cultural filters
                         ex) Driving on the right side of the road in the US
Stereotyping: A fixed impression on a group of people.

High/Low Context Cultures:
High: Physical context, pre-programmed, little through actual conversation
           ex) Greeting (shaking hands), winking, ext (China, Middle East)
Low: Direct statement. (United States, Germany)

Power Distances
High Power Distance: Power is concentrated in few hands (King)
Low Power Distance: Power is very divided (Democracy)

Masculine Culture: male stubbornness, aggressive, assertive
Feminine Culture: modest, tenderness, relationships, quality of life

Group 3: Listening

5 Steps:
Remembering (Asking questions)
Evaluation (Distinguishing facts from lies)
Responding (Back channeling questions)

Cultural Differences That Effect Listening
Language, speech, nonverbal behavior, feedback, credibility
(nonverbal behaviors include waving hands, thumbs up)

Feedback: US = honest, straightforward   Japan = positive, optimistic

Gender Differences:
Males - Lecture, superior role, more factual
Females - Student, inferior, seek to be liked

Active/Inactive Listening:
-Paraphrase speakers meaning
-Express understanding of feelings (Empathy)
-Ask questions

Group 4: Relationships

Types of Friendships:
Reciprocity - Based on Equality
Receptivity - Imbalance of giving and receiving
Association - Cordial, not intense (Classmates)
Aquaintances - Temporary, awkward
Technology & Friendship - Online, share network

Romantic Relationships:
-Eros: Beauty
-Ludus: Love is a game, interest
-Storge: Peaceful and slow, lack intensity, slow relationship
-Pragama: Practical and traditional, family
-Mania: Extreme highs and lows, poor self image

Knapp's Model:

Attraction Theory: - 4 major factors
Similarity, proximity, reinforcement, physical attraction & personality

Group 5: (My Group) Communication & Conflict in the Workplace

Types of Workplaces and Communities

Types of Conflict

Good Communication = Little Conflict

It the Bosses job to resolve and deal with conflict

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